Want to Improve Safety? Shop at Costco.

Beinvenidos a Costco.


I love Costco.


Yesterday while basking in our national independence, Mrs. Redanglespanish and I took a moment to plan our shopping needs for the week.



Wife: D’you have the list?

Me: Sí.

Wife: Is everything on it?

Me. Probablemente… sí.

Wife: Let’s just double-check it. Ready?

Me: Sí. Ándale pues….

Wife: Rotisserie Chicken for tonite’s din-din? 

Me: Check.

Wife: 8 Channel Security System?

Me: Claro.

Wife: Leather Sectional plus Ottoman?

Me: Yes.

Wife: Gun Locker?

Me: Obviously.

Wife: 100 SF Storage Shed?

Me: Of course.

Wife: 6’ slate pool table?

Me: Why not?

Wife: 800 count of paper towels.

Me: Yep.

Wife: My new California closet?

Me: You only live once, right?

Wife: 1 box of Lucky Charms.

Me: Oooh, didn’t have that…. Got it.




OK… It didn’t really go down like that, but it could have. Costco was ready. Costco is always ready to throw down. Costco is like Las Vegas – It’s America’s Playground, always at the ready to give you all you can handle. And then some….




How many of us went to Costco to buy some dog food and came home with a sweet Tag Heuer and a set of snow tires?



Maybe that’s just me.



But my adoration of Costco extends to Construction Spanish as well. Not just because Costco sells construction gear like tools, vinyl siding and backhoes (somewhere, a Costco location is selling backhoes… for sure.), but because Costco also helps Red Angle achieve our misión – to make the jobsite safer by bridging the English-Spanish language gap.


More specifically, one of our goals is to make the Spanish word for HARDHAT as ubiquitous among English-speakers as the Spanish word CERVEZA.


If you can remember CERVEZA, you can remember the Spanish word for HARDHAT. And with any luck, maybe you’ll use it on the jobsite to improve safety just a bit. Start by saying it one time to one person.


How do you say HARDHAT in Spanish?








Absurdly close to…. Costco.



Watch this 48-second video and you’ll never forget CASCO.


Bradley Hartmann is founder and el presidente at Red Angle (www.redanglespanish.com), a Spanish language training firm focused on the construction industry.

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